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DELAIR Railroad Bridge Remote Operation Final Rule

DELAIR Railroad Bridge Remote Operation Final Rule Return to Alert Page Additional Info Attachment : Delair_RR_Bridge_Op_FR.pdf Attachment : MSIB_39-18_DELAIR_RR_Bridge_Devaition (1).pdf Attachment : Delair_Bridge_Operation_Deviation.pdf

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USCG MSIB 41-18: Reporting Marine Casualties – Groundings

USCG MSIB 41-18: Reporting Marine Casualties – Groundings Return to Alert Page Recently, there have been multiple incidents within Captain of the Port, Delaware Bay’s zone of deep draft vessels touching bottom while attempting to berth or while moored and conducting cargo operations.  Regardless of the circumstance, if any part of a vessel touches bottom…

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Ballast Water Management Annual Reporting Requirement

Ballast Water Management Annual Reporting Requirement Return to Alert Page Additional Info Attachment : Ballast_Water_Mgmt_FR_091818.pdf Attachment : ballast_water_mgt_NPRM_correction.pdf Attachment : ballast_water_mgt_NPRM_050918.pdf

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USCG MSIB 29-18: Restriction on Implementing TWIC Biometric Readers Rule

USCG MSIB 29-18: Restriction on Implementing TWIC Biometric Readers Rule Return to Alert Page The President of the United States signed into law the Transportation Worker Identification Credential Accountability Act of 2018 (HR.5729). This prohibits the U.S. Coast Guard from implementing the rule requiring electronic inspections of Transportation Worker Identification Credentials until after the Department…

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Delair Drawbridge Operation

Delair Drawbridge Operation Return to Alert Page Additional Info Attachment : Delair_RR_Bridge_ext_comments_120617.pdf Attachment : Delair_Bridge_NPRM_063017.pdf Attachment : Delair_Bridge_Operation_Deviation (1).pdf

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