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CGDB MSIB 23-20 Marcus Hook Maintenance Dredging Completed

CGDB MSIB 23-20 Marcus Hook Maintenance Dredging Completed Return to Alert Page The Captain of the port, Delaware Bay, is notifying mariners that the Philadelphia to Sea Maintenance Dredging Project has completed dredging operations in the Marcus Hook Range and Anchorage. Safety zone one and Safety zone two are hereby cancelled. Traffic patterns are returned…

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CGDB MSIB 25-20 Announces Public Meetings for Anchorage Grounds and PARS

CGDB MSIB 25-20 Announces Public Meetings for Anchorage Grounds and PARS Return to Alert Page The Coast Guard is announcing two public meetings to discuss our notice of study entitled “Port Access Route Study: Seacoast of New Jersey including the offshore approaches to the Delaware Bay, Delaware” that was published in the Federal Register on…

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MSIB 24-20 Upper Delaware River Dredging through 2/1/21

MSIB 24-20 Upper Delaware River Dredging through 2/1/21 Return to Alert Page Dredging operations will be conducted by the dredge SEVENSON and the dredge BERING SEA. Dredge BERING SEA will begin work on the red side of the channel at the northern limit of Church Channel and work downstream into Riverview Range. Upon completion of…

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