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NBC10 Video Captures Final Stage of 45-foot Deepening Project

NBC10 Video Captures Final Stage of 45-foot Deepening Project Return to Alert Page A recent visit by a news team from local Philadelphia station NBC10 to the “Dredge New York,” currently at work in and around the Chester and Bellevue ranges on the Delaware River, produced the below video. The project remains on track for…

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Press Release: FY17 COE Workplan Funding

Press Release: FY17 COE Workplan Funding Return to Alert Page DELAWARE RIVER PORTS – Dennis Rochford, President of the Maritime Exchange for the Delaware River and Bay, announced that the Corps of Engineers’ FY17 Work Plan includes $29.25 million in addition to the President’s Budget request of $33.125 million for a total of $62.375 million…

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Economic and Environmental Principles and Guidelines for Water and Related Land Resources Implementation Studies; Availability of Proposed Principle

Economic and Environmental Principles and Guidelines for Water and Related Land Resources Implementation Studies; Availability of Proposed Principle Return to Alert Page SUMMARY: Section 2031 of the Water Resources Development Act of 2007 (Pub. L. 110-114) directs the Secretary of the Army to revise the Economic and Environmental Principles and Guidelines for Water and Related…

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