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A membership in the Maritime Exchange is about joining a successful team that makes a real difference.  Exchange committees allow members to meet directly with government officials, business partners, and even competitors to tackle important port issues and exchange ideas.

Strength lies in numbers.  Joining a committee lends your voice to help make everyone’s stronger.  Because of the combined efforts of engaged businesses such as yours, the Exchange can effectively promote and protect trade in the tristate region.

Government Affairs Committee

Comprised of a broad range of member companies, the Government Affairs Committee gives members an opportunity to share information and collaborate on current legislative and regulatory initiatives that affect the Delaware River and Bay maritime industry. Colleagues learn about and discuss new legislation, regulations, and policies and work together to effect positive change. The committee meets quarterly and on an ad hoc basis to review time-sensitive issues as they arise.

Maritime Operations Committee

Two-way communication is the key to effective change.  The Maritime Ops Committee brings industry and government together to address legislative, regulatory, and policy matters affecting Delaware River ship, cargo, and crew processing.  The group is dedicated to improving processes and resolving challenges.  Engaging decision makers at all levels of federal government, discussions have led to direct action,  including national policy changes. Members primarily include shipping lines and agents, brokers, and terminal operators as well as the Army Corps of Engineers, the Coast Guard, Customs and Border Protection, USDA, and other agencies as events require. 

Private Berth Dredge Committee

The Private Berth Dredging Committee is committed to promoting the growth and development of industries that abut the Delaware River.  Comprising state and federal environmental agencies and industry stakeholders, the PBD is working to implement the Delaware River and Estuary Ecosystem Data Gathering Initiative, which seeks to streamline waterside construction and maintenance permit application and approval processes. 

Chilean Fruit Working Group

Members of the Chilean fruit import industry meet regularly between fall and late spring each year to explore ways to improve pre-season planning and enhance communication between local and overseas supply chain partners. Among the goals is to coordinate with Chilean shippers, exporters, and carriers as events require; providing a unified community voice helps with their planning as well, allowing all parties to make adjustments as needed.  Of equal importance is the dialogue between local transportation partners—terminals, fumigators, storage facilities, etc.—that helps anticipate, and thus minimize, bottlenecks and improve operations overall.

Cold Storage Facility Task Force

Members of the CSFTS include terminal operators, inland cold warehouse operators, fumigators, importers, and overseas exporters who work with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to improve worker safety.  The task force has developed a regional Best Management Practices plan, which Delaware River facilities have voluntarily implemented, and conducts an independent audit each year to monitor compliance.  These activities are designed to minimize the likelihood of new, intrusive, EPA regulations.

Innovations Working Group

The Innovations Working Group follows the unqualified success of the locally initiated wood packing materials pilot program, which resulted in new national policy.  The purpose of the IWG is to bring members of the maritime industry together with officials from the USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service/Plant Protection and Quarantine office to develop and implement ideas to control costs and increase efficiencies for both government and its trade partners.

AQI Treatment Fees Working Group

The Exchange formed this national group at the direct request of the Deputy Administrator for Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service within the U.S. Department of Agriculture.  Its purpose is to examine the fees for vessel inspections, fumigations, and cold treatments, evaluate revenues against costs, explore time and cost-saving measures, and make recommendations for alternative approaches.

Be a part of the conversation!

Joining a committee is easy!  Maritime Exchange members can connect to a committee through the members-only portal or contact us at 215-925-2615 or

Not a member?

That's easy too.  Apply online for a membership or contact us at  We'd be happy to talk to you about how your company can benefit.