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Maritime Exchange Tower

Serving the Port Community since 1875

Celebrating 150 years of service to the Delaware River ports!

Cranes to unload ships

Dedicated to promoting and encouraging commerce on the Delaware River and Bay

Cranes unloading ships

The premier advocate for the Delaware River port and its business committee

Fruit being unloaded from ship

Membership Includes all facets of international trade and related businesses


Supporting cargo operations 24 hours a day, seven days a week

cargo ship

Unique information system plays a key role in the rapid clearance of cargo

maritime exchange for the delaware river and bay

Welcome to the Maritime Exchange

The Maritime Exchange for the Delaware River and Bay, a nonprofit trade association, is the leading advocate and information provider for port and related businesses in the tristate region.  First established in 1875, the Maritime Exchange has grown into a modern, highly respected, organization recognized as an essential maritime partner and an integral part of the fabric of the regional port community.

Exchange members benefit from a wide array of programs designed to help them meet daily operational and long-term planning needs, stay on top of industry news and policy changes, and learn from and with their colleagues and government partners.  The Exchange also offers practical services, like the answering service and regulatory compliance assistance, that seek to make members’ jobs just a little bit easier.

Exchange staff are laser-focused on providing superior customer service for members.  It is our number one core value and point of pride for every member of the team.  We are on duty 24/7/365—no matter what time you call, a member of our staff is there to answer.

What all this means is that Exchange members have:

More Information  ––   More Connections  ––   More Access  ––   More Influence

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Government Affairs

The Exchange is the only organization that speaks on behalf of all segments of the Delaware River port business community. Whether an issue is international, national, or local in scope, if it affects the maritime industry, we work to ensure that members’ views are considered as part of the decision-making process.

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Maritime On-Line

Fulfilling a variety of commercial and security maritime needs, Maritime On-Line is the electronic information hub for Delaware River and Bay ship and cargo processing. From ship schedules and real-time vessel positions, to Customs and Border Protection cargo clearance status and mandatory manifest and stow plan filing, Maritime On-Line is the one-stop information resource for Delaware River and Bay commercial cargo activity.

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A membership in the Maritime Exchange is about joining a group of likeminded fellow members that makes a real difference.  Exchange committees allows member to meet directly with government officials, business partners, and even competitors to tackle important port issues and exchange ideas.

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Join the Crew

With the focus on providing information and public policy initiatives, becoming an Exchange member is about partnering with a respected and successful business team that turns the support and expertise of its members into effective action on issues that matter.  Whether you need reports and statistics to make long-term business decisions or information about current waterway activity to support your operations, the Exchange has you covered.

Contact us today to become part of the team that makes a difference!

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